Head Start Celebrates Cultural Diversity

Head Start Celebrates Cultural Diversity
Posted on 02/27/2023
Head Start Celebrates  Cultural DiversitySince its inception in 1965, the Head Start program has been steeped in a rich culture of diversity. One of the program's key strengths is its emphasis on diversity, as Head Start serves children and families from a wide range of backgrounds. Many Head Start children come to the classroom with a background that is saturated in their culture’s traditions, routines, communication styles.

ESC19 Head Start recognizes the importance of creating a learning environment that not only reflects the community it serves but also educates children on the many cultures outside of their community that reflect America’s great diversity. 

Head Start also prioritizes cultural diversity by encouraging families to be involved in their children's education. The program recognizes that parents are the first and most important teachers in a child's life and values the unique perspectives they bring; providing opportunities for families to participate in cultural events, parent-teacher conferences, and other activities that support their child's education. By embracing the diversity of its families, Head Start helps build a more inclusive society where all children can succeed.